208 out of 365 (LOTS OF PICS)

Justin and I were sitting around talking last night and realized that we untied the lines a year ago. Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun. We then did a few calculations and figured that out of the past 365 days we have sailed 208 of them. That’s quite a lot, especially in San Francisco…

Doors vs Curtains

Hubby and I have talked in length about if it would be better to have doors or curtains on Rad Mode. After our experience on our first sailboat and advice from serious sailor friends of ours we made the decision to go with curtains and forgo doors so today Annabelle helped me finish up making…

Oh my sweet sweet love of mine…

Long awaited… even longer over due… the new laptop has finally arrived! Oh let me tell you the nightmare it has been to get a simple new laptop. After numerous cancellations (not because of us) and shipping errors we have finally received our laptop and are back in action!!! One of the issues, believe it…

Out on the hard…

Today is the first day that SV Rad Mode has been on the hard since… we have no idea when. As you all know, we bought her as a lien sale from a marina because unfortunately the previous  (and only) owner passed away. The downside to buying the lien sale is we have no idea…

Day 2 of Drizzle…

This is the second day of being wet and virtually no end in sight. We set the hook down in the Bay to ride out the weather, but it is so cold! I am probably just being a baby, but as of late the first thing I see every morning is my own breath. A…

Time to get Real

It is so close… yet so far. As much as I wish to sail out the San Francisco Golden Gate, you have no idea how much personal restraint this is taking, there are things that need to be addressed on Rad Mode before we can do that. Frankly if it were just me, or just…

Keeping Sailing Affordable

One way we are able to afford sailing is by the good old fashion budget system. Right now we budget $320 a month for food, which was really easy to do until we hit Sausalito, California. The only grocery store within walking distance is Mollie Stone’s. I had never been to a Mollie Stone’s before…

We Are Doing It!

I’m not sure I can even begin to put into words how stoked I am that we are finally sailing… or better yet living our dream! We have done so much building this boat that it doesn’t feel like the beginning of an adventure. I feel like we are so far into it to call…

‘Twas the Night Before Leaving…

When all through the marina, not a seaworthy vessel was stirring…oh wait…a Westsail 32 was stirring. Yup, we moved Rad Mode over to another slip near the office today. We were waiting for stuff from West Marine and didn’t want to miss the UPS guy since WE ARE LEAVING TOMORROW and were in desperate need…