Alarm Clocks…

I am really not a fan of alarm clocks. Actually, I hate the noise. It is the worst sound to be woken up to. I believe we should all wake up as naturally as possible to be in harmony with our day. Today, my daughter, Annabelle, told me, “I don’t hear the alarm clock every…

208 out of 365 (LOTS OF PICS)

Justin and I were sitting around talking last night and realized that we untied the lines a year ago. Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun. We then did a few calculations and figured that out of the past 365 days we have sailed 208 of them. That’s quite a lot, especially in San Francisco…

I Miss My Daddy

Sometimes life gets ahead of us or takes us away, but then it takes another moment in life to make us stop and realize… we only have one chance. In life we really only have one chance for anything. I am a person about the moment or in the moment. Take life by the horns…

Boats Make You Dream…

The wonderful thing about boats is they trigger the art of dreaming. It doesn’t matter if it is my dream, your dream, or our dream. It is about the beauty of dreaming. It is so magical to be sitting in the office filing papers, at Starbucks surfing the internet, or in the cockpit adjusting sails….

Permission to Travel

It’s just three little words… that hold a lot of weight. Ever wonder why we haven’t just hopped down the coast to Mexico by now? Three little words… Permission to Travel. For those of you who don’t know when you get divorced each party has a voice in if the other parent can leave the…

Adventuring is Hard on the Equipment!

The biggest thing we have learned is buy the extended warranty! I used to think that the added coverage was a waste of money. Boy was I wrong. We have used our extended coverage so much that they told us we could no longer use it. Apparently, Go Pro had to fix our Go Pro…

Fleet Week in San Francisco!!! (PHOTOS)

Waiting in anticipation… crowds of people gather in the streets, children cheer with excitement, and boats gather out on the bay. The engines roar to life. You can hear them approaching before they come into view… and then it happens… The ground begins to tremble. You can feel it vibrating in your chest. The tension…

NorCal Westsail Rendezvous 2017!!! (PHOTOS)

It’s more than just a rendezvous. Last year we had the honor of attending the Westsail rendezvous even though our Westsail wasn’t sailing. This past year I have realized that it is more than just a rendezvous to show off your boat. It’s family, friends, relationships that have grown so much. These are people that…

Why we do the Episode Videos

Why do we make “episode” videos?… I wonder sometimes myself. They are not easy and they do take a lot of time, but when it boils down to it the simplest answer is because we want to share our story. Our story might not be the greatest, but it is unique… and we love it….

What is it about Boats?

I can name a hundred reasons why you should never get into owning a boat, but… (there’s always a but), but for every reason I can name not to buy a boat I can name a hundred more why you should. Why is that?… For something that is a headache, a hassle,  and a liability…