Episode 23 – Work and Play in the Hot Delta Breeze

Continuing where Episode 22 left off, we continue rushing to get Rad Mode finished, but not without enjoying the beautiful Sacramento Delta summer and getting our sailing on with the crew of SV Plan B. Thanks for watching another flash back! We hope you enjoyed it. In our next episode, we move forward again to…

Episode 23- Behind the Scenes

The count down continues and the work on Rad Mode is not delayed. Seriously the old saying of, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, is so true! In a means to keep morale high and the fact that life just happens we try to make the best of it… or should…

Episode 22- Behind the Scenes (Pics)

Ever make a deal with someone and then they don’t keep their end of the bargain? Furthermore, have you ever invested thousands of dollars, your lively hood, home, and so forth to have that deal broken and essentially putting you out on the street??? Let me tell you a little bit of what was going…

Episode 22 – Good Times, Bad Times

We leave Ladd’s marina only to continue dealing with some issues that we didn’t solve on the hard. The familiar sights, sounds and smell of the Delta brought back memories of our last days finishing Rad Mode.

Episode 21 – Rad Mode’s New Bottom

We finish filling and fairing all of our hull blisters, I play a great joke on the kids, get the prop tuned up with some muriatic acid, and finish up numerous other things on Rad Mode before leaving Ladd’s Marina to head back down river.

Episode 20 – The Haul Out Begins

The issues from the massive rainfall in California continue to affect the crew of Rad Mode, but we recharge our morale in beautiful San Francisco before finally getting Rad Mode hauled out at Ladd’s Marina in Stockton.

Episode 19 – Rad Mode is a Log Magnet

The dinghy gets another test and teaches me a lesson while we head to Sausalito for dinner with Captain Heather along with some of the crew of SV Shawnigan before getting hit with tons of random debris while on the anchor at China Camp to include a massive log. We meet some of Team Fish…

Episode 17 – Stuck in the Mud!

We turned in to Benicia Marina for the night since the wind died on us. After a freezing cold night, we headed back out into the channel and headed over to Martinez City Marina for a meet up with some family before we sailed back to San Francisco Bay for some good sailing and provisioning.

Episode 16 – It Rains and Pours in the Winter of Storms

We’ve come into contact with a ton of Westsail 32 mentors since purchasing Rad Mode and one of these mentors, Captain Leasure on the SV Tortuga, came by to help us work on our main sail reefing and taught us a ton about Westsail 32’s in the process. After that, I ran to town for…